751212 Description

Description for Experiment 751212

1975 Small Grain North Dakota

The objective of this experiment is to determine the spectral separability of various small grains. The experiment includes spring wheat, durum wheat, winter wheat, spring oats, and barley. Seeding rate and planting date will be uniform for the spring seeded crops. Two soil moisture regimes are available for study since the plots will be on both fallow and wheat land from 1974. The fallow land will have the benefit of approximately 60 percent more stored soil moisture compared to the land on which wheat was grown in 1974.

This experiment is related to the small grains Kansas experiments done at the Finney County, Kansas agriculture experiment station during 1975. These data were collected as a part of the LACIE Field Measurements Project; more information can be found in the LACIE Field Measurements Project Plan, 1974-75 and in the LACIE Field Measurements Data Library Catalog Volume, I, 1975 crop year.

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