771203 Description

Kansas Dryland Winter Wheat (771203)

The principal objective of this experiment was to determine the relation of leaf area index and biomass to multispectral reflectance as a function of crop maturity stage. The treatments were selected to give a range of leaf area indexes and biomass at any particular maturity stage (measurement time). Secondly, the effects of nitrogen and planting data on spectral response can be determined.

This experiment was a continuation of the Dryland Winter Wheat Kansas Experiments for 1975-76 and is related to the Spring Wheat North Dakota Experiments done at the Williston, North Dakota Agriculture Experiment Station during 1975, 1976 and 1977. These data were collected as a part of the LACIE Field Measurements Project. More information can be found in the LACIE Field Measurements Project Plan, 1976-77 and in the LACIE Field Measurements Data Library Catalog, Volume III, 1976-77 Crop Year.

Field - 15N
     Row Spacing - 10 inch (25 cm)
     Row Direction - North/South
     Seeding Rate - 40 lbs/acre
     Variety - Eagle
Plots Descriptions - See plot map
Plot    Replication    Planting     Nitrogen
No.         No.          Date     Fertilization
                        (1976)     (lbs/acre)
 1           1           10-1           0
 2           1           10-14          0
 3           1           10-1          50
 4           1           10-14         50
 5           2           10-14          0
 6           2           10-14         50
 7           2           10-1           0
 8           2           10-1          50

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