801809 Description

Purdue Agronomy Farm Other Crops (801809)


The purpose of this experiment was to obtain data for crops other than corn, soybeans, and winter wheat which may have similar spectral characteristics. The other crops plots were those used by other researchers at the Agronomy Farm which were near the corn and soybean cultural practices plots and winter wheat plots. There was not much data collected for this experiment since its priority was lower than that for the other 1980 Agronomy Farm experiments. The other crops included sunflowers. The spectral measurements were made with a Landsat band radiometer (Exotech Model 100). Minimal agronomic data were collected on the plots.

Identification Record Codes

Experiment Parameters

Experiment parameter 09: Air temperature as measured by a probe attached to the boom supporting the multiband radiometer in Celsius degrees.

Experiment parameter 10: Radiant temperature as measured by a precision radiation thermometer (PRT-5) obliquely viewing the top surface of the canopy in Celsius degrees.

Other Notes