1976 Seeding Rate North Dakota (761214)


The objective of this experiment is to provide additional information on the interaction of amount of vegetative cover and spectral response. It is a factorial experiment with two replications. See the level of factor codes below for the treatments used.

This experiment is a continuation of the seeding rate North Dakota experiment for 1975. These data were collected as a part of the LACIE Field Measurements Project. More information can be found in the LACIE Field Measurements Project Plan, 1975-76, and in the LACIE Field Measurements Data Library Catalog, Volume II, 1976 crop year.

Identification Record Codes

1. Level of Factor Codes

       Factor                             Level
  Code   Description                 Code   Description
   1:  Soil Moisture                  1:  Fallow in 1975
                                      2:  Wheat in 1975
   2:  Nitrogen Treatment             1:  None Applied
                                      2:  30 lbs/acre
   2:  Seeding Rate                   1:  30 lbs/acre
                                      2:  60 lbs/acre
                                      3:  90 lbs/acre

2. Wheat Maturity Stage Codes

Other Notes